史シャク (一橋大学大学院)
宮城 信 (筑波大学大学院)
あと、linguistics MLに流れてて気になるものを見つけました。慶應言語学コロキアムのお知らせです。いつも結構魅力的な催しが多いのですが、今回はこんな感じで↓
演題: Current Issues in Minimalist Syntax (使用言語:英語)
講師: Roger Andrew Martin氏 (横浜国立大学助教授)
In this series of lectures, I will attempt to lay out a sketch of the current minimalist landscape, focusing in particular on the many important developments arising since Chomsky 2000/2001.
The first two days will be devoted primarily to introducing the core ideas and analyses in Chomsky’s most recent papers (2005, 2006). In the remaining lectures, the focus will shift to a number topics related to my own research (some of which stem from joint work with Juan Uriagereka), such as the nature of chains and their interpretation, reconstruction in A-movement, Case and the EPP, control and infinitival clauses.